Jan 3, 2008


Have you used Podcasting Tools as a COLLABORATION TOOL? Podcasting tools can also be used much like a BLOG! Also, you can MAKE MONEY from broadcasts!

I've been using TalkShoe over the past six months to experiment ways to host my radio shows at AspireNow.com and ARRiiVE.com. I've discovered that Talkshoe can be used for more than just radio:

  1. Site introduction files: example - visit http://www.aspirenow.com/, and click on the intro file at the top.
  2. Conference Calls: Talkshoe gives you the ability to record a conference call (hidden or public) and invite MANY users on the line - for free!
  3. Audio programs. I'm now converting some of my radio shows at http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/37798 and http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/37792 into CD programs.
  4. Training and audio webinars. I use Talkshoe for my training programs http://www.howbloggersmakemoney.com/, http://www.coldtogold.com/ and other sites.
  5. There may be even more uses for Talkshoe I haven't yet thought up - did I miss any?

Get your own Talkshoe set-up by visiting: www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/userCreate1.jsp?affiliateId=57383

Talkshoe also pays you to broadcast. They pay a little for the first and tenth shows, a percentage of show traffic, and also a percentage of show traffic that sign up under your affiliate. If you more details on the money, I'll be posting tomorrow on the subject.

Last, your Talkshoe titles WILL appear high rank in Google search engines and draw traffic to both your show page and referenced sites in show descriptions. Again, long-tails lead to happy trails!


Post by Scott Andrews, CEO of ARRiiVE Business Solutions.

ARRiiVE Business Solutions helps executives improve sales, launch products and services, and build dynamic, cross-functional collaborative teams. For more information, contact info (at)ARRiiVE (dot) com or call us at 1 (805) 459-6939.

Copyright © 2008 by ARRiiVE Business Solutions. All Rights Reserved. You may republish this article only if you publish in WHOLE with the COPYRIGHT and ALL ACTIVE LINKS intact.

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