Feb 6, 2008

What Is The Perfect Solution?

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Are you experiencing challenges with Social Networking? With all of the invites to these networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, E-cademy, Ryze, Plaxo, Marzar, Yuwie, Gaia, Spock, MySpace, and more... there's clearly many CHOICES of networks. It's almost impossible to keep up.

Not only that, but if you're truly dialed in, you'll notice that the world business structure has moved into a shift from "business in control" to "consumers in control", which changes many aspects of your market.

It has gotten to the point where marketers, leaders, and entrepreneurs are wondering what is the perfect solution?

Today, on ARRiiVE: Innovations In Business, Jay Deragon will discuss What Is The Perfect Solution (to Social Networks) and take us through a brief history of social networks to present day challenges and opportunities.

Host Scott Andrews welcomes Social Networking master Jay Deragon, who hosts: The Relationship Economy blog, LinkToYourWorld.com, and is Co-Author of The Emergence of The Relationship Economy. Join Scott, as he interviews Jay Deragon, an expert social networker himself (Jay has a following of over 50,000) and learn secrets to building better social networks, and learn more about What Is The Perfect Solution to Social Networking.

When: Wednesday, Feburary 6, 2008, at 2PM PST/ 5PM EST
What: 60 minute internet show - Talkshoe show ID 37798

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